Image of Petcu Dragos

Operating Systems (CS En)
Computer Science in English
Year: 2
Grading: The lab is 30% of the final grade. Each lab is 25% of the lab grade.


  • Lab 8 from 18.01.2023 will be optional, all of you will have an attendance.
  • For the 6th lab I will prepare some exercices that will help you understand how grep, sed and awk commands work, please check the resources.
  • Lab 4 can be presented after Christmas without reduction, I know that some of you will have more time in vacation for the homework.
Operating Systems (CS Ro)
Anul: 2
Notare: Laboratorul e 30% din nota finala. Fiecare laborator e 25% din nota de laborator


  • Lab 8 din 18.01.2023 va fi optional, toti veti primi prezenta pentru acel laborator.
  • Pentru cel de al 6-lea laborator o sa pregatesc niste exercitii care sa va ajute in intelegerea comenzilor grep, sed, awk, puteti sa va uitati la resursele de mai jos.
  • Labul 4 poate fi prezentat si dupa sarbatori fara a scade din punctaj. Stiu ca sunteti cativa care ar avea mai mult timp in vacanta sa isi faca temele.